The classroom focus wall. Every week, the vocabulary words, grammar focus, target skills and strategies, selection genre, and title are displayed. Student work is also regularly displayed on the board to show progress.
"The Lunch Monster" by K. For this writing assignment, students had to write a trailer for an original movie and draw a poster for it. This student was very proud of his work and was happy to see it displayed in the hallway outside the classroom.
Each week, the students receive a behavior chart in their homework journals. When they get home, they are expected to show their parents the behavior charts and get them initialed before coming in the next day.
One of the essential elements of teaching is learning how to create a classroom environment that is built on respect, rapport, and productivity (Danielson, 2013). Teachers must learn to effectively manage classroom procedures, student behavior, and the physical space in the classroom in order to balance the diverse personalities and learning styles each group of students brings (Danielson, 2013). No matter how long a teacher has been educating students, it is imperative for them to continuously reflect on their practices, because everything within the classroom is subject to change. Most importantly, every group of students brings their own needs and life experiences into the room. In my own classroom, I will implement several procedures designed to establish a culture of respectful relationships, a love of learning, and recognition of students’ diverse family and cultural backgrounds (Philadelphia Teacher Residency, 2021). Getting the students involved in creating the class rules, expectations, and routines, provides them with a sense of responsibility and initiative and ties the entire classroom together in a caring, supportive learning community. Some of the community-building activities I plan to incorporate in my classroom are daily morning meetings, family activities, setting up a class reward system, and drafting a class contract. These initiatives will help establish my position of authority but, more importantly, send students the message that their teacher truly respects, cares for, and believes in them (Edutopia, 2010). A key factor in creating an effective classroom environment is a teacher’s ability to arrange the physical space of the classroom in a way that allows students to safely and productively engage with classroom materials, the teacher, and peers (Danielson, 2013). Following a philosophy of inclusion, I plan to create physical spaces in the classroom that are dedicated to diverse learning styles (kinesthetic, linguistic, audio, and visual), and arrange seating charts deliberately to maximize productivity in learning activities. To enhance the teaching and learning experience, all of the areas and materials in the classroom will be clearly labeled and organized, and transitions will be structured. This assists in streamlining classroom procedures so I can spend more one-on-one or small group time with students - components that are essential for creating an equitable and cohesive learning environment. Differentiation is an invaluable factor in a successful classroom. Within every academic level and subject, instruction will be differentiated to best suit the needs of my students. Through hybrid learning centers, inquiry learning practices, and cooperative learning, students will be exposed to a variety of approaches to instructional material. Students feel empowered when they have a sense of ownership and personalization about their work, and I plan to instill those feelings in my students through focusing on their positive aspects, holding them accountable for their actions, and continually encouraging them (Teachers TV/UK Department of Education, 2005). When students and families first enter a classroom, they form an impression of a teacher’s care and dedication to her students. Therefore, it is important for a teacher to create an atmosphere that embraces diversity, emphasizes mutual respect, and encourages creativity. The classroom is a community of learning that is facilitated by the teacher for the benefit of the students, and it is a duty of a successful teacher to instill a sense of pride and community that extends beyond the four walls of the classroom throughout the school year.
References Danielson, Charlotte. (2013). The framework for teaching: evaluation instrument. Edutopia (2010). A Breakthrough in Social and Emotional Learning [YouTube video]. Retrieved from: Philadelphia Teacher Residency. (2021). The Philadelphia Teacher Residency (PTR) Core Practices. Teachers TV/UK Department of Education (Producer). (2005). Praise & Preparation [Video file]. Retrieved from Academic Video Online: Premium database.